Seven Stupid Mistakes

child sitting in chair with a dunce cap on and the chalkboard behind him has two plus one equals five.
There are many teachers who have tried to advance with technology but still lack the etiquette that it takes to using a computer in a public setting. Doug Johnson's Seven Stupid Mistakes was funny and eye opening. The first rule that caught my eye was: treating a school computer like a home computer. No one should have that must trust to expose themselves to all who can see and not realizing that the computer is school property so any one is entitled to use it.

It bothers me to think these adults have the right to teach and their poor judge of character is a little unsettling. The next rule that made think WOW was: not supervising the students. In today's society we can never turn our back on a student and hope they do the right thing. Children using computers need constant supervision and adult guidance so the make good decisions and learn how to use the computer in a positive way.


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