A Summary of My Adventures

A dolphin jumping into the air out of the water behind the dolphin there is a beautiful sunset. There are so many wonderful experiences I will take away from this semester. I have learned and grown so much and I am very grateful for each experience. I have discovered a whole new world of blogging and how it can allow you to share and exchange thoughts and feeling. I was able to create and maintain an IGoogle page and learn all the benefits that is has for my classroom. Starting my PLN was so beneficial because we need each other to survive in this world. The thought of teachers having sources to rely and depend on is phenomenal. Itunes is a tremendous bonus. I have an Itunes account and did not even know about all the free features for me and my students.

Being able to reach out and comment on the children's blogs was fun. Children have fresh young minds that are full of great adventure. My professional blog is so nice I am proud of it the most. I like the fact I started and completed all my projects. The podcast and presentation was a awesome experience and I had two of the best teams to work with. Reading other educators blogs and watching the videos on different topics taught me so much about the world of teaching and that it is OK to be scared and I will make mistakes but as long as I remember that the my students need me I can stay focused and make a difference.

I can not forgot the one person whose patience and guidance got me through this class, Ms Averitt. The excel project almost got the best of me but I have wonderful classmates that helped me and pulled me through. There is not enough room on this post to share all that is on my heart I do have room to say THANK YOU!!!


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