
Showing posts from August, 2009

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Next Generation Learning

The school in the short film seems like a dream, but then you wake up. The school pictured is idea for learning and also teaching. That would be wonderful to have so much interaction that the students never get bored and are happy to come to school and participate every day. The reality is that you needed a lot of determination and money. I am sure schools like that really exist in the world, but do they exist here in Alabama. The current budget does not even allow enough teachers for all the students we have let alone a computer for each student and a Nintendo WII game system in the school. I dare not give up hope that that type of learning environment is possible but I am realistic in knowing that it will take awhile for us to get there. Does that type of learning work, I believe it does. Children enjoy being able to touch and interact with computers and games for learning, We have all seen children in front of a video game and wonder how the stay so transfixed on screen for hours. ...

Harvest Your Students Digital Smarts

Exposure to the world is the best way to get a child thinking about more than what goes on in his or her small town. Children needed be realize that there is a big world ready for exploring if they are the tools and know how to succeed. I believe that is exactly what Vicky Davis is doing for her students. She has taken a computer and used it as a great tool for education. In smaller towns computer technology can sometimes not be easily accessible and hinder someone who wants to learn about computers. Vicky is making sure that when her students get ready to go into the work force they will not only know how to use computers but the correct terminology used when dealing with computers. Our job as educators is to see and understand were our students fit in today’s society. We need to start working toward having well rounding individuals who can function outside of the classroom and not feel held back by the lack of what they do not know. When a student succeeds not only does the teac...

Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity

I agree with Sir Ken Robinson 100% I can remember being in school and just wanting someone to reach the side of me that did not want to sit in a desk all day but go outside and have class. We take children who are full of energy and do nothing to harvest the energy for good but tell them that they are bad because they will not sit for over 6 hours in a day. If we do not learn as teachers ways to think outside of the box and teach expression whether than rules, we teach our children to be boring adults so the suppress all that cries out in them to live. I learn better when I am able to express the ideas and thoughts that fill my head. Whether right or wrong, I at least like the idea of trying and seeing what new fabulous way I can discover to do something. We should look closer and see what talents a child has and let them create from within, instead of medicating everyone who does not follow a certain grid for behavioral development. This short film has made a tremendous effect on...

Did You Know 3.0

Technology is moving at a very fast pace. Americans are going to have to find ways to keep up with the current trends so we are not lagging behind. It is not a secret that China has been far more advanced for many years, but now other countries are starting to catch up also. If the jobs that college students are preparing for do not consist of technological advancements there is a good chance of a lot more students graduating without jobs. Teachers at the elementary school level needed updated training so that they are able to prepare future generations to keep up with were computer knowledge is taking us. There is nothing wrong with being educated in technology but we also do not need to get so advanced that we forget the core of good education. The fact that a computer can operate in place of humans, leaves an open space for trouble. Allowing too much technology to take over causes lose jobs and more headache. Computers are great for assisting in everyday task but should n...

A little About Me

Hello everyone, My name is Brigit Johnson and I am not a native of Mobile but have lived here since I was twelve so it is my home. My Dad retired from the Army, so I guess you could say I am an Army brat. I was born in El Paso Texas and have lived in Germany twice; I traveled quite a bit enjoyed learning about the different cultures and people of other nations. I look forward to being able to enjoy more adventures in the future. I am a single mother and have been for ten years and have tremendous support from my mother and family. My daughter Brooke keeps me busy and always has something new she wants to try. She is a full time Girl Scout and has fallen in love with archery; she is not that bad at it. My major is Special Education and I am very excited to finish and get the opportunity to actually work with children who have so much potential and need a good teacher to help them shine. I currently work as a call center representative and sitting behind a desk all day is not my...