Next Generation Learning

The school in the short film seems like a dream, but then you wake up. The school pictured is idea for learning and also teaching. That would be wonderful to have so much interaction that the students never get bored and are happy to come to school and participate every day. The reality is that you needed a lot of determination and money. I am sure schools like that really exist in the world, but do they exist here in Alabama. The current budget does not even allow enough teachers for all the students we have let alone a computer for each student and a Nintendo WII game system in the school. I dare not give up hope that that type of learning environment is possible but I am realistic in knowing that it will take awhile for us to get there.
Does that type of learning work, I believe it does. Children enjoy being able to touch and interact with computers and games for learning, We have all seen children in front of a video game and wonder how the stay so transfixed on screen for hours. The answer is when it is something they enjoy they do not mind giving their all. Not only would that type school please the student but the teacher who gets to work with updated state of the art equipment. If we can pull enough support from parents and teachers to get the job done anything is possible


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