Using Ipods in Instruction

A stick figure of a little girl holding her arms apart with the writing above her her that says I wish love and peace for everyone.
I thought that when I went looking for uses of iPods in education that I would find plenty of uses for them in higher education, middle, High School and of course College. Duke had a great article in their library about uses for iPods and how so many students already had them it only made since to incorporate them into to class. What really amazed me was that I found a website telling how iPods are used for Pre-k. At first I thought this too much, children this young should not be using iPods. But why not?

Children are very capable of learning computers and what ever else you put in their hands to do. It actually maker better since to teach children when they are young so they are not behind in the classroom and hinder their education the website had tech savvy ideas for teachers to use in the classroom to enhance the learning experience and keep learning.


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