A Vision of Students Today

I think it is to ironic that I was sitting in class thinking some of the same thoughts and feelings as the students in this You Tube video. The fact is that the most of what you experience in college you have to wonder how it is going to help you in your life. I truly value education and I do see it's worth but I feel most instructors spend too much time emphasizes on the material being taught instead of applying the material to my life. I am an Education Major and the first two years of my college experience was spent on classes that I do not feel will help me in the classroom.

I want to get my money's worth and a lot of my money I feel was wasted. Why should someone trying to better themselves be 20,000 in debt. The education system is somewhat discouraging unless you have a determined mind to not focus on the negative and see the end as a reward. The fact that I am now getting a Bachelors and will have to get a Master's to make real money to pay back my loan is crazy. I think if we are going to be competitive in the future we have go to add more technology and life experiences for students entering college.


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